Upcoming Workshops

Chakras 101

Chakras 101

Expand your knowledge of the seven main chakra system in an interactive workshop to hold space for healing and growing with your subtle energy chakra system. This class will dive deep into each of the main chakra energy system we hold in our bodies.

Chakra's are spinning wheels of energy placed throughout our subtle body. These energy centers are directly connected to our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual attributes of our human make up. Sometimes our chakras can be spinning fast or slow, or maybe even stuck effecting our body's energy system. The importance of acknowledging these and how to nourish them is key to our healing and growth.

During our time together we will explore many aspects of the main chakra system. We will look into each of their functions, how to nourish them, and incorporate practice of daily chakra check ins. This class will continue after we meet on Google Classroom to continue growth of your chakras.

We will be interactive learning with Sound Bowls attuned to each hertz for each Chakra, Individual Chakra Meditations, Essential Oils for each Chakra, different Crystals for each Chakra, along with conversation.

Workshop: Chakra's 101

Saturday October 14th 2023 2:00-6:00pm

Cost of investment $100 (includes workbook, and manual)

$45 non-refundable deposit at the time of enrollment (this goes toward your payment for the workshop)

Click Here to Register!

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